Table of Contents

  1. Table of Contents

  2. Tutorial: Install and Initialize IPFS

    1. Lesson: Download and Install IPFS
    2. Lesson: Initialize your IPFS Repository
  3. Tutorial: Files on IPFS

    1. Lesson: Add Content to IPFS and Retrieve It
    2. Lesson: Wrap Filenames and Directory Info around Content
    3. Lesson: Pinning - Tell IPFS to Keep a File
  4. Tutorial: Going Online - Joining the Distributed Web

    1. Lesson: Connect your node to the IPFS network
    2. Lesson: Find Peers on the Network
    3. Lesson: Retrieve content from a Peer
  5. Tutorial: Interacting with the Classical (HTTP) Web

    1. Lesson: Use an HTTP browser to retrieve files from local IPFS gateway
    2. Lesson: Get content through the public gateway
    3. Lesson: Access IPFS content through any IPFS gateway
  6. Tutorial: The Myriad ways to Access and Distribute IPFS Content

    1. The Power of Content-addressing
    2. Retrieving content from a peer
    3. Review these lessons from the Tutorial on Interacting with the Classical (HTTP) Web
    4. Lesson: Access IPFS content through Tor gateways (experimental)
    5. Lesson: Run IPFS over Tor transport (experimental)
    6. Lesson: Access IPFS content through a browser extension
    7. Lesson: Sneakernets - moving the data on USB Drives and other Hardware
  7. Tutorial: Making Changes on the Permanent Web

    1. Lesson: Create a Simple Webpage and Add It to IPFS
    2. Lesson: View Your Webpage with IPFS and Publish to IPNS
    3. Lesson: Modify Your Webpage and Republish to IPNS
    4. Lesson: Generate and Use a New IPNS Name Keypair
  8. Tutorial: Merkle Trees and the IPFS DAG

    1. Lesson: Turn a File into a Tree of Hashes
    2. Lesson: The Cryptographic Hash
    3. Lesson: Build a Tree of Data in IPFS Using Cryptographic Hashes to Link the Pieces (a Merkle DAG)
    4. Lesson: Explore the types of software that use hash trees to track data
  9. Tutorial: Dynamic Content on IPFS

    1. Disclaimer: Dynamic content on IPFS is a Work in Progress
    2. Lesson: Add data to the DAG (locally)
    3. Lesson: Tell peers about your Changes
    4. Lesson: Use hashes to get someone's changes from IPFS
    5. Lesson: Use a pub/sub strategy to pass around messages about changes
    6. Lesson: Resolve conflicts with a merge strategy (CRDTs)
  10. Privacy and Access Controls on the Distributed Web

    1. Reader Privacy & Writer Privacy
    2. Private Networks
    3. Encrypting Content
    4. More dynamic encryption: capabilities-based encryption
    5. Comparing with the classic HTTP web (feudal security, etc)
  11. Keeping Data Alive: Durable Data on the Permanent Web

    1. IPFS Cluster
    2. Filecoin
  12. Distributed Computation

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